Pure gold, the strings that hold me together:
I lift.
I bend.
I move.
These motions are not my own.
My heart belongs to the one with empathetic eyes.
I reside in his crown.
He choreographs my voyage through this life.
He shines under my feet, never going dull.
His commands are my endeavors,
I long to be a reflection of His affections.
The enchantment of His mercies are what I yearn to know.
His devotion is what I want to know.
His relentless love is all I need to grow.
My puppet hands are forever bound to my King.
I Want It That Way
THE 90'S
When didn't we want to spend a day in the life of the Stratford sisters? Kat got to kiss Heath Ledger, and it was only the days of beginnings for Joseph Gordon-Levitt.. but Bianca straight owned him!

And we CAN'T forget....

Let's not forget the chain of films the 90's introduced us to...
Teenage Stupidity: Teenage Thrill: Teenage Humor:

How could we forget the series of cheesy Batman's?
Val Kilmer being the reason I fell in love with Batman in the first place, just had to throw that in there.And then there was those TV shows we all know we lived to watch...the theme songs we'll always remember, and the comedic actors that are currently MIA ... for the most part.

Everyone had a crush on Kel... you know it.
Well kids, we've all seen these shows and films come and go, they will always be nostalgic to us, as any era to any other generation. I just wanted to take the time to reminisce on the days of no troubles, where all we worried about was getting home in time for All That. When we dreaded our early bed time because we wanted to finish watching our favorite movie for the 12th time... that day.
So here's an ode to the 90's, thanks for having us, thanks for giving us the time of our lives, and although we shall never meet again...we will always remember your influence :)
Laughter makes us
Tears seal us
Distance nears us
Words bind us
Jokes define us
Hope drives us
Music rhymes us
Time decides us
Stories discover us
Love finds us
God reminds us
Tears seal us
Distance nears us
Words bind us
Jokes define us
Hope drives us
Music rhymes us
Time decides us
Stories discover us
Love finds us
God reminds us
This feeling of discontentment must leave,
I've become so impatient to things that take time
Patience has left me stranded somewhere between
the beginning and the finish line.
The worst place to be.
I focus on what's dangled in front of me,
but I don't have long enough arms to reach
my vision is blurred to what is around me
it's binding.
my heart pounds with purpose,
my eyes fill with motivation
yet despair falls from them.
Bring me back to the beauty in mystery,
the hype of what if's
There I was content.
I've become so impatient to things that take time
Patience has left me stranded somewhere between
the beginning and the finish line.
The worst place to be.
I focus on what's dangled in front of me,
but I don't have long enough arms to reach
my vision is blurred to what is around me
it's binding.
my heart pounds with purpose,
my eyes fill with motivation
yet despair falls from them.
Bring me back to the beauty in mystery,
the hype of what if's
There I was content.
In patience, I dwell.
I always feel I'm being told theres something better.
Something bigger.
Truth is ....
I've been waiting, waiting, waiting.
So long I have been patient and attentive to the next decision.
Every one, closer to the last one I'll ever have to make.
Sometimes I wish I was at the end, that I just finally reached my goal...
But I'm still waiting, waiting, waiting.
Attentive to every piece of inspiration.
Holding tight so that I won't forget the whole purpose
I can't become content.
I won't be become content.
I know when I arrive at the point for which I have been waiting
Nothing will be better than that moment God has promised me
This truth, I never let go of.
Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise."
Something bigger.
Truth is ....
I've been waiting, waiting, waiting.
So long I have been patient and attentive to the next decision.
Every one, closer to the last one I'll ever have to make.
Sometimes I wish I was at the end, that I just finally reached my goal...
But I'm still waiting, waiting, waiting.
Attentive to every piece of inspiration.
Holding tight so that I won't forget the whole purpose
I can't become content.
I won't be become content.
I know when I arrive at the point for which I have been waiting
Nothing will be better than that moment God has promised me
This truth, I never let go of.
Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise."
Lately it seems like i've lost it.
Lost all motivation
Lost the keen eye of seeing beauty.
I yearn to get back to that place.
I want to wake up to inspiration
I want to breath in a high disposition
That is all I ask.
Attitude is a decision
This I have recently found to be true.
It's a decision that is hard to make because
I think I'm incapable of doing so.
Maybe I need to stop asking for things that are
Within my grasp and realize what I am truly capable of.
That is where my motivation lies, its time for me to find it
Rather than waiting around for it to find me.
The journey starts Here.
Lost all motivation
Lost the keen eye of seeing beauty.
I yearn to get back to that place.
I want to wake up to inspiration
I want to breath in a high disposition
That is all I ask.
Attitude is a decision
This I have recently found to be true.
It's a decision that is hard to make because
I think I'm incapable of doing so.
Maybe I need to stop asking for things that are
Within my grasp and realize what I am truly capable of.
That is where my motivation lies, its time for me to find it
Rather than waiting around for it to find me.
The journey starts Here.
I close my eyes, and I feel fine.
I know what will happen but it's okay.
The edges blur like an old photograph
that's where my heart is, in those blurred edges
the smudged line between now and then
I see everything in old projector screens and record players
Now I'm surrounded with stories to tell
because I was the one left to tell them
I had to
My mind goes back to the days of the ripped
tattered photos in their hands, but to me it was in plain color
It's been long since then, but I still remember
I look down at the faces of youth and smile
Because although my edges are faded and torn
They are just beginning to learn what life is.
So I sleep fine tonight, and feel no obligation to wake,
I've done all i've needed, so I dream of paradise.
I know what will happen but it's okay.
The edges blur like an old photograph
that's where my heart is, in those blurred edges
the smudged line between now and then
I see everything in old projector screens and record players
Now I'm surrounded with stories to tell
because I was the one left to tell them
I had to
My mind goes back to the days of the ripped
tattered photos in their hands, but to me it was in plain color
It's been long since then, but I still remember
I look down at the faces of youth and smile
Because although my edges are faded and torn
They are just beginning to learn what life is.
So I sleep fine tonight, and feel no obligation to wake,
I've done all i've needed, so I dream of paradise.
What Do I Deserve?
This one is for you.
Since Valentines Day is approaching, far to quickly, I have been inspired to go against the grain in a sense and write what I feel every women needs to ask herself at one point in her life.
What Do I Deserve?
What is it that I deserve in a man, in a relationship, in a friendship all of it. So much of the time I feel like this world is focused on being in love, and being in a relationship and just being with someone in general, is good enough...well sorry to break it to you hunny but that is not nearly the case.
Think back to a past relationship, with the last guy you were with that it seemed to just be so perfect but for some obvious reason, it didn't work out. I feel as though nowadays we settle way to quickly for way less than what we're supposed to. Women seem to fall weak at the knees for anything remotely romantic from a cute face and nice body. I am NOT condemning anyone because I assure you...I HAVE BEEN THERE and done it too. We are all guilty.
The reason I am even sharing this epiphany is because I feel it will help us all to really understand, question, and think before jumping into another basket of potential hurt. You don't have to take my advice, but I know if you read this it may at least cross your mind, and truthfully that's all I ask.
We are Princesses to the greatest King creation knows, why would we settle for a man that can't treat us how God himself would. Better yet, how much would it hurt our Father to see his daughters being treated less than they were created for.
Have a beautiful day.
This one is for you.
Since Valentines Day is approaching, far to quickly, I have been inspired to go against the grain in a sense and write what I feel every women needs to ask herself at one point in her life.
What Do I Deserve?
What is it that I deserve in a man, in a relationship, in a friendship all of it. So much of the time I feel like this world is focused on being in love, and being in a relationship and just being with someone in general, is good enough...well sorry to break it to you hunny but that is not nearly the case.
Think back to a past relationship, with the last guy you were with that it seemed to just be so perfect but for some obvious reason, it didn't work out. I feel as though nowadays we settle way to quickly for way less than what we're supposed to. Women seem to fall weak at the knees for anything remotely romantic from a cute face and nice body. I am NOT condemning anyone because I assure you...I HAVE BEEN THERE and done it too. We are all guilty.
The reason I am even sharing this epiphany is because I feel it will help us all to really understand, question, and think before jumping into another basket of potential hurt. You don't have to take my advice, but I know if you read this it may at least cross your mind, and truthfully that's all I ask.
- Ladies, your man should listen to you.
- Care for you
- Make you laugh
- Don't be afraid to be the one who walks away, don't be afraid to "break his heart" because sometimes you have to do what's best for you, and you not doing what you know is right only cheats him of finding what he truly needs as well.
- Enjoy your presence as much, or even more, than you enjoy his
- You should never be in a relationship where you're putting in 100% and receiving 80% back...RUN!
- Talk about your issues ....TOGETHER!
- Lastly, let the man pursue you my loves. A man that can pursue and love a women right, is a man after Gods own heart.
We are Princesses to the greatest King creation knows, why would we settle for a man that can't treat us how God himself would. Better yet, how much would it hurt our Father to see his daughters being treated less than they were created for.
Have a beautiful day.
Imagine yourself in a helpless situation.
No matter how big or small it may seem to someone else, bring yourself to that place where your heart was broken, or your world crashed down, or maybe your world stopped completely.
Maybe you fell to your knees, it seemed like all of your strength just left you there because even it couldn't take the pain.
Think about it.
Youre in that moment, what do you do next?
You breathe.
What does this breath represent?
The breath represents a new beginning. After you've hit rock bottom the only thing you can do is take your next breath, the one thing that will keep you going no matter the situation. The one thing you can rely on to bring you to the next moment which couldn't possibly be worse than the last. You breathe until the day you've finally healed.
Your breath carries you there, that's where your faith lays.
Never Alone
was hard.
I felt like giving up, I didn't know really where my next glimpse of hope would lay. Like I've mentioned before (maybe) this negative nature is unlike me at all, but yet I'm dealing with it. So yesterday I did what I do best, I opened the entertainment center door and looked pleadingly at the movies that hid inside, hoping that one would just call to me. You see, what often happens is when I'm feeling sad or feeling down for some reason God tends to use movies to speak to me. He has taught me so many things just by listening intently to dialogue in a movie...and God will display it differently in my ears to cater it to whatever situation I'm dealing with. It's a beautiful thing, it probably has so a lot to do with why I have such a passion for movies, and reasoning for why I want to be in the film industry. It's not for the money or for the fame, it's because movies have literally picked me out of a inevitable darkness, but that's a story for a different day.
So while there were piles of movies I loved, I picked one I've never seen, because I thought I wouldnt like it, but it felt perfect for that day.
was hard.
I felt like giving up, I didn't know really where my next glimpse of hope would lay. Like I've mentioned before (maybe) this negative nature is unlike me at all, but yet I'm dealing with it. So yesterday I did what I do best, I opened the entertainment center door and looked pleadingly at the movies that hid inside, hoping that one would just call to me. You see, what often happens is when I'm feeling sad or feeling down for some reason God tends to use movies to speak to me. He has taught me so many things just by listening intently to dialogue in a movie...and God will display it differently in my ears to cater it to whatever situation I'm dealing with. It's a beautiful thing, it probably has so a lot to do with why I have such a passion for movies, and reasoning for why I want to be in the film industry. It's not for the money or for the fame, it's because movies have literally picked me out of a inevitable darkness, but that's a story for a different day.
So while there were piles of movies I loved, I picked one I've never seen, because I thought I wouldnt like it, but it felt perfect for that day.
I began watching the movie with low expectations, but then it suddenly altered my mood. I quickly remembered why I loved doing this, and along with it I realized why God had picked it for me. There are two things really.
"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void. "
Remember how I said God sometimes tweaks things in my mind to have them mean exactly what I need them to...well this is the first case of this. This was His way of telling me that "Sade, you're doing exactly what I have asked of you. You are being brave." I could have been set with my valuable, yet small life back home, settled into a secure life with secure friends, but that's not what I was called for. It was assuring getting such a definite answer to a question that keeps replaying in my mind every time I fall back to square one.
"People are always saying that change is a good thing. But all they're really saying is that something you didn't want to happen at all... has happened. My store is closing this week. I own a store, did I ever tell you that? It's a lovely store, and in a week it'll be something really depressing, like a Baby Gap. Soon, it'll be just a memory. In fact, someone, some foolish person, will probably think it's a tribute to this city, the way it keeps changing on you, the way you can never count on it, or something. I know because that's the sort of thing I'm always saying. But the truth is... I'm heartbroken. I feel as if a part of me has died, and my mother has died all over again, and no one can ever make it right."
Honestly, this quote....I don't know why but for some reason it seemed to put into words what I simply couldn't. Although the situations is 100% different than mine...the feelings she was feeling the hurt, the disappointment the emptiness that was soon to take over seemed to match mine indefinitely. I don't know how but this movie altered my mood. I did a complete 180 in how I felt. Maybe because I felt like I could relate and in the end...like always she came out on top.
The funny thing is this movie is a love story, and hope is the only thing I fell in love with.
Overwhelmed. Unsure. Uneasy.
Thats my stream of vocabulary to best describe my state of mind right now. I originally created this blog to only write about things that inspire me, so that maybe somehow in some crazy way, I could inspire you. But today....today is a little different. I don't have any great words of wisdom or words of encouragement, or anything uplifting at all really. All I have is negative emotion that has nowhere to go so I have decided to put it on a page, hoping that in some way I can rid myself of it and leave it here. I don't know if a series of events have led me here, or if it is a lack thereof. It's hard to tell at this point, but in whatever way it is happening so I must deal with it. I was driving to work today and I was stuck in traffic so I just looked around, since I pretty much had nothing else to do I finally admired what was around me. I saw the sun shining impeccably so, and the greenery wrapping around all these hills and highlands. I was taken aback, and realized that I don't want anything more but to fall in love with life again. Fall in love with God and let him show me all the simple beauties that always seemed to show themselves but lately I'm too wrapped up in romantic love.
I don't need it.
I don't want it.
I want to begin where I left off a few months ago, infatuated with no one only my surroundings.
Romance will find me where I'm at, because God said so, I don't have to.
I'm letting go.
Thats my stream of vocabulary to best describe my state of mind right now. I originally created this blog to only write about things that inspire me, so that maybe somehow in some crazy way, I could inspire you. But today....today is a little different. I don't have any great words of wisdom or words of encouragement, or anything uplifting at all really. All I have is negative emotion that has nowhere to go so I have decided to put it on a page, hoping that in some way I can rid myself of it and leave it here. I don't know if a series of events have led me here, or if it is a lack thereof. It's hard to tell at this point, but in whatever way it is happening so I must deal with it. I was driving to work today and I was stuck in traffic so I just looked around, since I pretty much had nothing else to do I finally admired what was around me. I saw the sun shining impeccably so, and the greenery wrapping around all these hills and highlands. I was taken aback, and realized that I don't want anything more but to fall in love with life again. Fall in love with God and let him show me all the simple beauties that always seemed to show themselves but lately I'm too wrapped up in romantic love.
I don't need it.
I don't want it.
I want to begin where I left off a few months ago, infatuated with no one only my surroundings.
Romance will find me where I'm at, because God said so, I don't have to.
I'm letting go.
This my friends is what it's all about.
"If you want something, go get it. Period."
This trailer explains the mindset of what I believe every person should have. I watched it so many times when I first moved out here because I needed that inspiration. This alone showed me that no matter how hard times get, there is a reason for everything and you will be blessed for your persistence. Tears would fill my eyes every time the words flowed out of his mouth because I felt as though I was in the same state of mind. He had nothing, and he took the chance on the ONE thing he knew he wanted and he felt would change him and his sons life. He pushed himself even when he didn't have a nickel in his pocket, a bed to lay in, or food in his stomach.
This is the definition of dedication and faith.
Then it hit me from a different angle.
When I first moved to California, I had plans and a vision in mind and I can tell you one thing, absolutely nothing went the way, I had for many months, sculpted it in my head. I couldn't find a job, I couldn't start school, and I had no friends to talk to about any of it. Then it struck me "Sade, what did you ask for from me....'Lord give me faith of a mustard seed'. Trust me." I asked the Lord this in summer of 2010. In fall of 2010 is when he told me to move to California in a year, fall of 2011...I landed in San Diego. He had got me this far why was I so worried. I of course have seen this movie before, and yes it was inspirational and one of Will Smiths best (of course he is the best actor in the entire world and always will be to me, nothing will change that) but it didn't speak to me how it does now. How I stumbled across this trailer which I haven't seen since the movie had been advertised in about 2007 or 2008, was weird in a sense. I popped The Holiday in one night hoping to do what I do best, which was escaping through a movie, and The Pursuit of Happiness happened to be one of the trailers. I saw this and just broke down because all of a sudden I was Will walking through a crowd of people with everything figured out and me alone, scared, trying to figure out the next thing, clapping my hands with tears rolling down my face, knowing deep in my heart somewhere that everything was going to be okay in the midst of the chaos going through my mind, raw joy was all I had so I had to take hold of it and display it to keep my head above the water.
God was still with me, these are just little reminders he uses to speak to me. To pull me up when I'm cemented in the ground, he yanked me closer to Him more so than I even have realized until this point right here. He continues to show His love for me, and He is still paving the path He wants me to take, while I wait for my next step.
Jeremiah 29:11
Let's Talk About...
die Liebe
We like to run away from things we want because its the chase that thrills us. What would we do if it was given straight to us, Jesus for example. He is the true definition of everything we look for in the word
This has many variations:
"See, now is a time for courage. I guess you already know that there are angels masquerading as people walking around this planet and your mom was the bravest one of those."
"Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that’s what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going"
"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."
"There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me."
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us."
This burden of love in our souls is so dynamically filled and when it's not we can't help but to incorrectly fit the pieces. The definition of love is above our understanding for one reason only. God is Love. This alone explains all the unanswered questions, the unexplainable moans and groans of what our hearts writhe through day in and out. He created this oxymoron of feeling because He needs to be loved just as much as we long to.
Our world revolves around Love.
Everyday it is our goal to find it, in some way.
Accomplished doesn't exist here.
It's a forever game of Faith and Fear. Trial and Error. Yes and No. Planned and Blindsided. Beautiful and Disaster.
Let's play.
die Liebe
We like to run away from things we want because its the chase that thrills us. What would we do if it was given straight to us, Jesus for example. He is the true definition of everything we look for in the word
This has many variations:
"See, now is a time for courage. I guess you already know that there are angels masquerading as people walking around this planet and your mom was the bravest one of those."
"Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that’s what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going"
"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."
"There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me."
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us."
This burden of love in our souls is so dynamically filled and when it's not we can't help but to incorrectly fit the pieces. The definition of love is above our understanding for one reason only. God is Love. This alone explains all the unanswered questions, the unexplainable moans and groans of what our hearts writhe through day in and out. He created this oxymoron of feeling because He needs to be loved just as much as we long to.
Our world revolves around Love.
Everyday it is our goal to find it, in some way.
Accomplished doesn't exist here.
It's a forever game of Faith and Fear. Trial and Error. Yes and No. Planned and Blindsided. Beautiful and Disaster.
Let's play.
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