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You may or may not know that I love to decorate, I also love to try new things when it comes to decorating and that is why I have chosen to pick some DIY projects. YAY!

We have a TV stand in our house that is beautiful, as it was custom built for us (courtesy of however since we did in fact, have our TV on top of it and all of our necessities for entertainment there were a visible mess of chords... everywhere. So I decided to fix that problem once and for all:

I had some leftover burlap table runners left from my Bridal shower and decided they could be put to great use (I am all about repurposing stuff just laying around the house). 

This is what I used: 

Step 1:
Measure the area that you are covering with burlap and add and 1" to each side just so you have enough material to work with.

Step 2:
Get a partner! trust me this is a lot easier to do with someone who can hold the material on the other side... it will save you a lot of backaches and unnecessary squats.

Step 3:
Start on one side, nail in the top corner and stretch the material straight down to the bottom corner of the stand (or whatever surface you're putting the material over). Make sure the edge of your material is parallel to the edge of the stand.

Step 4:
Now go to the other side (unless you were smart and got a partner like advised) and make sure the material is stretched so it is tight across the back of the stand. Then nail the top corner and down to the bottom. Again make sure the edge of your material is parallel to the edge of your stand.

Step 4 is the most important and ... strangely the most tedious part. It can be rather stressful but it will be well worth it!

Tah-Dah! The End. 

Next week will be another DIY project 'How - To' so be sure to check in and see what else you're capable of!


Sometimes I dream

Sometimes I day dream.
Usually its a song or a scenery that swirls me into the confines of my own mind.
I don't mind it.
I like being taken away.

I dream about seeing the world.
I want to leave a footprint in London where the architecture alone, keeps your breath.
Sip wine in Italy, where winding roads of loveliness are unending.
Leave a love lock in Paris, where finding hidden treasures is endless.
Spot a lion in Africa, where nature is in full bloom.
I want to leave my heart in Israel, where Jesus' saved it.

I want to see the world.

I long to enjoy all the creative crevices God put on this Earth for us to discover.
I want to meet exquisite people of every race, and tell them how they've made my life more beautiful.

I will do all of these things, one day.
But for now dear Day Dreams... here's to you.