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Sometimes I dream

Sometimes I day dream.
Usually its a song or a scenery that swirls me into the confines of my own mind.
I don't mind it.
I like being taken away.

I dream about seeing the world.
I want to leave a footprint in London where the architecture alone, keeps your breath.
Sip wine in Italy, where winding roads of loveliness are unending.
Leave a love lock in Paris, where finding hidden treasures is endless.
Spot a lion in Africa, where nature is in full bloom.
I want to leave my heart in Israel, where Jesus' saved it.

I want to see the world.

I long to enjoy all the creative crevices God put on this Earth for us to discover.
I want to meet exquisite people of every race, and tell them how they've made my life more beautiful.

I will do all of these things, one day.
But for now dear Day Dreams... here's to you.