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Love bug.

Let me explain.
Let me explain this picture up above, see that yellow journal, the one next to the obnoxious white porcelain pine cone.

Yes that one.

The first time I saw this journal on a shelf, it was in a quaint bookstore on one of the most bustling streets in Marquette, MI (really one of the only). I feel in love...we fell in love. I told my dad I needed it, like most 14 year olds do, he said 'not today' I turned around and came to terms with his decision.

Later that day,  I walked into my room and on my bed was the untouched beautiful journal that I had met in the bookstore. That is when our love affair started. We spent the defining years of my life together and on it's pages it contains some of the best times of my life, with that of course it also contains some of the worst. Inside of those two hard covers was my first heart break, my biggest secrets, my biggest decisions, and my unforgettable moments. The most important thing it holds was a promise God and I made with each other.

You see, I promised Him that I would never commit to someone until I knew he was the one, you know... 'The One'. Gods promise was that He would bring me someone who would lead me, love me, and best of all, be my best friend...forever. So I kept my promise to God. Like usual, I stumbled here and there but I did the best I could. God ever so graceful, as He always is, kept his promise so beautiful and pristine.

On July 11, 2014 I married my best friend.

He is tall.
His skin is made of caramel.
His eyes are my paradise.
I like to call him Love bug.

When we moved in to our cozy apartment, I put it Gods promise on the shelf, so I can always see it but more importantly so I can always remember.
I love you.