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A New Start

It has been 735 days since I've spoken my meaningful words into a cyber void.
In 735 days life has taken me so far from where I have been, I'd almost forgotten.
the pain
the ache
the wait

the faith

The faith it took to get me here. Where I am.

I remember nights of sleeplessness because of my worry, my doubts and my fears. I remember days of longing and wonder, the thought of 'What if'.

But enough of talking in code.

Let me share with you where I was and now where I am.

Two years ago, almost to the day I didn't have a stable job. I had no stable income, but I had a heart full of passion and a mind full of determination. I was ready to go wherever it was God called me. I didn't know what to do at the time, but then one day I figured it out. After 11 months of long suffering, after multiple door slams to the face, there was one that cracked open enough to see who was standing on the other side, and it was me.

I started from the bottom of the food chain like most newbies do. I worked long hours to pay rent and also to gain experience, my brain was an empty book awaiting knowledgeable words to fill it. After a short period of time, I landed a job, one I had dreamed about.

There were short joyful words.

Then there were joyful tears.

I walked into a land of new faces, new rules and new beginnings.

I was in a land called Bliss. I had never felt more blessed than in that moment when I walked through the very secure double doors into the mystery that was the 'Third Floor'. I learned new names, new rules, a new way of thinking. Here it felt like home, and home it would be until God told me otherwise.

I'm very thankful for the this place and this family I had to wait for, pray for, hurt for and hope for.  I would never have it any other way, but isn't that the profound way of my Father.